Thursday 15 December 2011

The Day I Never 4Get even Until I Die....

Hello Readers.....
   2day,sye nak share pngalaman sye disekolah....Sye nie bkn nye org kaya ke o ank dato or something...i just a girl with parents,sisters n brother....i start studying at SK PP1 since 2006{year 1}....i will share a few story from the past n most in 2011{year6}...mse dajah 1 dulu...mmg takowtt nk msok skola...tpi cbe branikan diri...mse kat sekolah...sye xde kwn..sye cme ade neighbour....tpi die pndh mse djh 4...sye ngn Tiara rpt...tpi kitorang kls len....kitorang rmh skn pown len...die kuning sye kitorang x ckp sngt mse djh 1.....dlm kls 1 Jasmine,my class teacher is Pn Hasniza....die baek...dia ajar BM..ade 1 ari,die ajar x fhm,tnye lah iera,salina,wawa.....salina mse 2 ade kakak kat c2 die sombong..then die mrh sbb tnye die....then i pown tnye knpe i said salina marah..then die x  i just 4get it...then...die bgitau kakak die yg kite ckp die dpt bm c pdhl kite kne mrh...mse 2 bnce glerrr die....tpi kitorang kwn....:),msok drjh 2.....drjh 2 x bnyk story....tpi akhir taon beberape org murid  kne pnggl untok temuduga jd pngws muda termasok saye......sye ngn salina ditemuduga sama2....teacher selly tanye kitorang pukul brape msok skola,rehat n balik...kitorang x tau..kitorang lari 1 bangunan cri jwpn yg ditanyekan...then kitorang hnye dpt jwb 7:25 a.m untok masok skola shja....akhir nye...antare aku dngn salina,aku yg dpt jd pngws mude.....drjh 3....stiap bulan aku ditugaskan mnjaga tngga blok A pda waktu rehat...n 1 bln 2 aku ditugaskan dngn iera untok menekan loceng untok rehat...1 day,kitorang kat makmal cyber....then mnx kbnrn cg untok pg tkn loceng 5 minit awl...then,cg bg...kitorang spatotnye kne tnggu smpi mse rehat...tpi aku tertekan loceng...aku kene marah dngn Teacher Selly n Kak Hidayah....smpi rmh aku mnges tnpe esok nye aku sroh iera je yg tkn loceng..aku x branie.....mse djh 3.....1 brite glerr terjadi....masalah kelas 3 Ixora....nseb bek aku 3 Jasmine....azwa,anis reka cite tntg hntu......bayang hitam,putih,merah.....smpi snggp gntg rmbt ltk bwk meja,ckp ade drh kat tngga n hantu nk bnuh taon 3.......thats crazy right...aku yg jge tngge terpakse ikut Pn Azizah naik kls psl 2...base bdk2x....takot rr....ps2 Pn Azizah ckp nme nak tkot....dorang men2x je...pas2 aku ckp...fuhhh!!!!!!!nseb bek....tpi still takot sket2.....ok stop la djh 3 k...lets move 2 djh 4...djh 4 x bnyk story..aku jd pngws skola n aku gadoh ngn ayanna lme gak rr...2 bln kowt..hehe....move 2 year 5...year 5 aku pnye guru kelas cg rahiman baek....stiap kali birthday die bg hadiah..tpi die pndh perlis..kitorang nges2 glerrr.......then kitorang gnti ngn Pn Alyah..Pn Alyah x bape ske kitorang sbb kitorang rpt ngn cg rahiman........mse hari knk2x cg faizal wt video call ngn cg rahiman...kitorang happy glerrr...tpi pn alyah muke die marah sngt2x.....kitorang x happy pown smbot hari knk2...move 2 year 6.....i1st day in happy..after a week....i'm so scared to death because i will  have an important exam..UPSR!!.....then,kitorang blaja nora takot glerr ngn kitorang sbb bnyk karangan x blaja cra2x nk wt karangan 2....wlopown ade keje x siap...aaf cg....then..math..i love math...bnyk jgk x sis slalu mrh mse wt keje.....tpi i try n try n try..until i made,i feel so sorry 2 cik salina..sbb asyek men je....tpi kitorang blaja jgk kn cg....hehe......class bi....i love it..even x pndi sngt bi...1 day.....teacher hate me so much.....bcoz of something....i feel very sad...i cry when recess.....n my kpop book kne rmps...its fun....teacher ckp dpt 5a percubaan baru bleyhh amek....i made it..n i get my book .....feel so happy....then....the day come..mse msok je dewan peperiksaan smue ckp g00dluck2x....feel releks....diorang bnyk mmbntu....2 weeks after that...UPSRA...wahhh..tensionnnn......n 1 day that feel so much pain...17 Nov 2011..the result for UPSR N UPSRA....wahhh...same day.......but..I made it...UPSR 5 A n UPSRA 7 A 2 B....yeyyy......n,the day after is the last day i went into SKPP1.....i take many pic....but not upload sad.....i feel so sorry to teacher selly...she should not come to school bcoz she sick..but she want 2 come...i feel so touch......i will never 4 get ur help...tenxx teacher..i love u......n that day...saye salam sume cg2x....sdeyh toll.....aku ngn qilah s wt kitorang nye trademark n aku amek gmbr ngn die....aku amek gmbr lencana skola n more....n 12.00 p.m end our school was sad....dalam bus sye nges.....sabtu mse g interview TKC sye nges jgk..i dont know was so sad.....:'(.....i will end it here....I LOVE SKPP1.......<3 <3 <3

                      EX-STUDENT OF SKPP1
                      2006-2011 :)